About Us

We live in a working-class neighborhood on the outskirts of Yangon, Myanmar. Our primary focus is to support the work of local Christians, and to be personally involved in our community here.

We partner with local believers to develop Biblical resources for use within the local church. Our latest big project has been producing The Jesus Storybook Bible in the Burmese language.

We’re so grateful that we get to make Myanmar our home for the time being, for the beauty we see in the culture and landscape here, and for the privilege of knowing so many people who have welcomed us and who graciously continue to teach us as we learn and live here.

Watch some video clips from our life in Yangon


You can follow along with our journey at our blog. Or follow our life in photos via Breanna’s instagram account.

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I’ve lived in Myanmar since 2006, first in Rakhine state, now in the city of Yangon. I work as a translator, sound technician, and computer engineer. Since moving here I’ve learned (and continue to learn) new languages, cultural norms, and that God cares deeply about the world.


I’ve lived in Myanmar together with Jim since 2015. I write, study language, and I’m constantly trying to notice and learn new things about the world around me. I’m so grateful that I get to live in Myanmar.

I am a fan of good food, which works out well, because Myanmar culture is all about food, too. When I get the time, I share Myanmar recipes at my other blog,  Pickled Tea Leaves.)