A Photo Tour

We thought we’d share some of Jim’s photos during his earlier years in the Golden Country. Enjoy!

Burma 2Yangon, 2006


Burma 3Fishing Village, May 2006. The rolls resting in the fishing boat are made of bamboo, and are likely going to be brought downriver to be sold in Sittwe.


Burma 6

Mrauk U, 2006. Women going home from filling up their water jugs at the local well. If the jugs are half filled, they are much harder to carry on one’s head, because they will splash around much more.… Continue Reading

Change and the Unknown: Where Fear Has No Weight

We have moved three times within the last year. After receiving the keys to our latest dwelling, we discovered that we would have to move out by the first of September. I had hoped so much that I wouldn’t have to move again before we hopped our flight to Asia this fall. The realization that I will likely start living out of my backpack in September has been challenging for me, because it signals an earlier-than-expected transition to the unknown.

I knew this would be happening eventually.… Continue Reading